My friend, who you are today, is not who you need to be tomorrow to achieve the life you envision. You cannot cheat purpose. To achieve it, you must fully commit to the change required to find it.
There is a process of transformation that you must submit yourself to regardless of who supports you or not. This transformation initiates an internal change that impacts how you think, take actions, and develop relationships.
Change is optional. We all have the choice to remain the same. However, change becomes mandatory when you aspire to live a life of purpose and fulfillment. Change is a core ingredient to the receipt of success. Change is the primary color that illuminates the beauty of the masterpiece that represents joy and fulfillment in your life.
Change is the fuel that feeds our pursuit to manifest the version of ourselves that we see trapped inside of us. So, we have this choice to change. To stay in the same place or embark on the journey to close the gap between who you are today and the person you want to become.
The unfortunate reality is one of the strongest resistance to our efforts to change will often come from those closest to us. Change of any type creates disruption because change is a disturbance to normal. Change disrupts our environments, mindsets, and relationships.
Breaking the unfruitful habits in your life will make those around you uncomfortable and cause them to question your intentions. You cannot take offense to it or allow it to be frustrating. Your willingness to disrupt your routine in search of a greater you will impact your relationships.
The unfortunate reality is one of the strongest resistance to our efforts to change will often come from those closest to us.
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Be careful of people who speak well of you but criticize your pledge to change. Your commitment to decisive actions triggers their insecurities and uncertainty in their ability to be successful. They want you to move at a pace that’s comfortable for them.
Unfortunately, some allow the ripple effects of change to prevent them from fully committing to their desired outcomes. They give in to the pressure and make the insecurities of others their priority as opposed to their desire for growth.
Don’t sabotage your success. Follow the voice of change you hear calling you forward, not those trying to hold you back from discovering your greater self.
At some point, you must disconnect from those who stand in opposition to your efforts to transform your life. I understand the road ahead can seem overwhelming, and you don’t want to travel alone. Go alone if you have to. You won’t be on your own for long. Your drive for change will guide you to people aligned with your desire for personal growth and fulfillment.
Trust yourself, be courageous, and seek the change you desire in your life with all diligence.
Build Forward,