To start, or not to start. That is the question.
The reality is, my friend, there is no perfect time to start. You either do or do not.
Every situation presents some level of uncertainty. You can always find reasons within every circumstance to rationalize why you should delay and wait on better timing.
We cannot always make significant steps out of the gate, which can discourage us from starting because we want to see the result immediately. However, taking small steps should not be overlooked. True success is about longevity. Small steps are impactful because they compound over time to help you build and sustain the success you achieve.
I’m a spiritual person, so I don’t tend to dismiss the things of the spirit. However, starting is not about signs and wonders. Let’s not utilize spirituality as an excuse to rationalize why we haven’t started.
Let’s not say you’re waiting on God, because he is usually waiting on us. Messages from God arrive in moments of action, not inaction.
It’s often this feeling of not being ready that causes us to hesitate. I completely understand if that’s where you are. I’ve been there before myself. Here is what I’ve learned, in actuality, starting is not about readiness because we’re never fully ready for anything.
It’s not about readiness but willingness, and at it’s core, willingness is all about trust. You have to be willing to trust yourself. It’s time for you to believe that you can navigate the uncertainty of what happens after you start.
We often get stuck because we’re afraid of failure and the opinions of people. Failure is not a bad thing. It educates and equips you for success. You’ll never make everyone happy, so opinions are just distractions.
If you prepare for an opportunity, you’ll find it. If you wait for an opportunity to find you, you’ll most certainly miss it.
Take a moment to reflect, what is the first action you need to take to start? To get where you desire to go, you cannot stay where you are. Write down the first action you need to take and commit to it.
- schedule the meeting you’ve been procrastinating on with the expert in the field you want to pivot your career to.
- register for the course and start building your skillset.
- identify the time in your day that you will utilize to start writing your book.
I believe it’s your time now. It’s time for you to move forward.
When you look back over your life, don’t be the person who missed opportunities for success simply because you refused to start.
Build Forward,