There are seasons of life where it feels like you can’t seem to get on track. Every action you attempt to take doesn’t turn out the way you intended. Mike Tyson famously said, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” Life has a way of punching us in the mouth, completely disrupting our plan for success.
At some point in life, we all get punched. It’s not a matter of if but when and how you endure the pain inflicted by the punch.
What we’ve learned is that true success is defined by how we get back up after being knocked down. The key is not losing sight of your plan after you’ve been knocked down. The challenge most of us face is the fact we never established a plan to begin with.
Effective businesses of any size never go to market with a new product or service without constructing a strategic plan. The companies that maximize impact and revenue are those who adjust to the forces of the market.
It’s essential to your success that you establish a strategy for success. You must possess a growth mindset that equips you with the ability to adapt your plan has you encounter challenges and unexpected setbacks.
My friend, you are important. Your life is a gift, and your gift has to get to the marketplace. There are people waiting on the arrival of what God gifted you to do. So, we need to get you back on track and define a strategy that aligns you to your best self.
As you start the new week, have you defined your plan? What are the tasks you need to focus on that are vital to moving forward in your journey to success?
Although you will get punched, as Mike Tyson stated, don’t lose sight of your plan and belief in yourself:
- It’s disappointing to get laid off, and a new job has not come through.
- It hurts to lose a relationship you thought would be forever.
- It’s heartbreaking to have a loved one pass away.
- It’s painful to realize those closest to you don’t believe in your dreams.
- It’s frightening to feel like you’re not capable of achieving the success you envision.
These are some of the effects of life punching you.
Has life knocked you down? It’s time to get back up. You are not out for the count, my friend.
Get back up! Set your plan if you don’t have one, adapt your existing plan if needed, and get back in the fight.
Build Forward,